Disability Studies and
Intercultural Theology

The Institute for Evangelical Missiology encourages research in the field of Disability Studies. Missiological-theological research on and with persons with mental or physical disabilities has not yet begun in earnest. Persons with and without disabilities are called upon to engage in this socially relevant topic.

Disability Studies and Bible translation

Over more than nineteen centuries, literal translation transporting the NT authors’ perspective on disability led to the exclusion, isolation or, since the 18 c., relegation to special homes, of people with impairment, out of the Church’s mandate of social welfare (Ger. Diakonat). Nowadays, politics force the Church, as a public player, to make possible the inclusion of persons with disabilities on all levels of society as leaders, pastors, and staff, and of course members and interested parties. In this way, hopefully, sympathy out of pity is replaced in the Church by empathy out of equality, thus performing an Inclusivist role in building diversity in the communion of saints.

Disability Studies and Intercultural Theology

How were people with disabilities involved in the spread of the Christian message? Did they have an importance in church planting, Bible translation or building local networks? What are the constructs around "disability" in the far, at home and what discourses did this steer? Were the players aware of their culturally coined prejudices and assumptions that moved their interactions?

Bible translation as an auxiliary discipline

Bible translation is an auxiliary discipline.

Book Review: Krauß, Anne 2014. Barrierefreie Theologie: Das Werk Ulrich Bachs vorgestellt und weitergedacht

Krauß concludes with a theology of the imperfect, leaving the door open for further approaches to confront the phenomena of segregation, discrimination, and othering of people with physical and mental disabilities. The critical research on the work of Ulrich Bach is a source of struggle, especially in the regional churches, for participation, integration and inclusion of people with disabilities. At the same time, the stimulated and ongoing discourse is a challenge to the actors to approach each other and to represent together the diversity of the body of Christ.

Book Review: Morton, Jeff 2012. Insider Movements: Biblically Incredible or Incredibly Brilliant?

Dieses Werk ist in Anlehnung an die derzeitigen Spannung zwischen den Weltreligionen ein Fingerzeig darauf hin, dass es an jedem einzelnen liegt sich theologisch auf andere Religionen in der Weise einzulassen und sie nicht grundsätzlich als fundamental-radikal zu betrachten. Solch eine Ausprägung ist in jeder Religion vorhanden und sollte zur Nächstenliebe oder Friedensabsicht führen, wenn man den Offenbarungen folgt. Da die menschliche Realität aufgrund ökonomischer oder politischer Spannungen (Armut, Verfolgung, Vertreibung) oft anders aussieht, bleibt zuletzt die bange Frage, ob sich solche Appelle umsetzen lassen oder die Menschen zum Umdenken bewegen.

International Conference 2021: Disability Studies and Intercultural Theology: Foundations – Case Studies – Ethical Implications

People with physical or mental impairments are "disabled" by cultural, social as well as contextual factors. They experience that their existence is not simply given without question. "Did you have to do that?" is a question that parents of children with trisomy 21 often hear.

Book Review: Grünstäudl, Wolfgang & Schiefer–Ferrari, Markus 2012. Gestörte Lektüre – Disability als hermeneutische Leitkategorie biblischer Exegese Haupt-Reiter

The target group of this collection are Bible teachers who are looking for Inclusion-oriented basics and aids for their work. In addition to a wide range of projects, the theological-hermeneutical treatment of inclusion as a guiding principle has been presented helpfully.

Network Disability Studies and Intercultural Theology (NeDSITh)

The VISION of NeDSITh can be described in the networking, the scientific exchange and the critical-constructive debate on the subjects between the actors with and without physical or mental limitations.

Book Review: Melcher, Sarah J., Parsons, Mikeal C. & Yong, Amos 2017. The Bible and Disability: A Commentary

This commentary offers a variety of references to ancient views about disabled people. It is critical in many places in its evaluation of linguistic connotations that express metaphorical meaning in terms of disability. The commentators are sensitive to implications that can be inferred from the texts but are not necessarily meant.

Invitation to join in – Publication for fun and critical discussion in church and society

Wenn Köpfe rollen - Vom Erfahrungspotential der "Anderen" lernen - Satiren zum Alltag in Kirche und Gesellschaft (When Heads Roll - Learning from the Experiential Potential of "Others" - Satires on Everyday Life in Church and Society

Book Review: Eurich, Johannes & Lob–Hüdepohl, Andreas 2014. Behinderung – Profile inklusiver Theologie, Diakonie und Kirche.

It is not entirely clear according to which criteria this compilation took place or which target group was aimed at. Nevertheless, the contributions are indicative of areas of research in disability studies, especially with regard to diakonia as the inner mission of the church. In addition to a wide range of projects, the theological-hermeneutical reappraisal of inclusion as a guiding principle has been helpfully presented.

Book Review: Danys, Miroslav 2016. Diakonie im Herzen Europas: Ursprünge, Entwicklungen und aktuelle Herausforderungen in West & Ost, neu betrachtet aus Anlass des Reformationsjubiläums

Danys gives an excellent review and overview of the development of diaconia in Central Europe. Especially with regard to the missiological side of congregational building, disability studies and the church-congregational dealing with the "others" (otherness) in times of upheaval, his explanations offer helpful insights.

Disability Studies and Bible translation

Over more than nineteen centuries, literal translation transporting the NT authors’ perspective on disability led to the exclusion, isolation or, since the 18 c., relegation to special homes, of people with impairment, out of the Church’s mandate of social welfare (Ger. Diakonat). Nowadays, politics force the Church, as a public player, to make possible the inclusion of persons with disabilities on all levels of society as leaders, pastors, and staff, and of course members and interested parties. In this way, hopefully, sympathy out of pity is replaced in the Church by empathy out of equality, thus performing an Inclusivist role in building diversity in the communion of saints.

Disability Studies and Intercultural Theology

How were people with disabilities involved in the spread of the Christian message? Did they have an importance in church planting, Bible translation or building local networks? What are the constructs around "disability" in the far, at home and what discourses did this steer? Were the players aware of their culturally coined prejudices and assumptions that moved their interactions?

Bible translation as an auxiliary discipline

Bible translation is an auxiliary discipline.

Book Review: Krauß, Anne 2014. Barrierefreie Theologie: Das Werk Ulrich Bachs vorgestellt und weitergedacht

Krauß concludes with a theology of the imperfect, leaving the door open for further approaches to confront the phenomena of segregation, discrimination, and othering of people with physical and mental disabilities. The critical research on the work of Ulrich Bach is a source of struggle, especially in the regional churches, for participation, integration and inclusion of people with disabilities. At the same time, the stimulated and ongoing discourse is a challenge to the actors to approach each other and to represent together the diversity of the body of Christ.

Book Review: Morton, Jeff 2012. Insider Movements: Biblically Incredible or Incredibly Brilliant?

Dieses Werk ist in Anlehnung an die derzeitigen Spannung zwischen den Weltreligionen ein Fingerzeig darauf hin, dass es an jedem einzelnen liegt sich theologisch auf andere Religionen in der Weise einzulassen und sie nicht grundsätzlich als fundamental-radikal zu betrachten. Solch eine Ausprägung ist in jeder Religion vorhanden und sollte zur Nächstenliebe oder Friedensabsicht führen, wenn man den Offenbarungen folgt. Da die menschliche Realität aufgrund ökonomischer oder politischer Spannungen (Armut, Verfolgung, Vertreibung) oft anders aussieht, bleibt zuletzt die bange Frage, ob sich solche Appelle umsetzen lassen oder die Menschen zum Umdenken bewegen.

International Conference 2021: Disability Studies and Intercultural Theology: Foundations – Case Studies – Ethical Implications

People with physical or mental impairments are "disabled" by cultural, social as well as contextual factors. They experience that their existence is not simply given without question. "Did you have to do that?" is a question that parents of children with trisomy 21 often hear.

Book Review: Grünstäudl, Wolfgang & Schiefer–Ferrari, Markus 2012. Gestörte Lektüre – Disability als hermeneutische Leitkategorie biblischer Exegese Haupt-Reiter

The target group of this collection are Bible teachers who are looking for Inclusion-oriented basics and aids for their work. In addition to a wide range of projects, the theological-hermeneutical treatment of inclusion as a guiding principle has been presented helpfully.

Network Disability Studies and Intercultural Theology (NeDSITh)

The VISION of NeDSITh can be described in the networking, the scientific exchange and the critical-constructive debate on the subjects between the actors with and without physical or mental limitations.

Book Review: Melcher, Sarah J., Parsons, Mikeal C. & Yong, Amos 2017. The Bible and Disability: A Commentary

This commentary offers a variety of references to ancient views about disabled people. It is critical in many places in its evaluation of linguistic connotations that express metaphorical meaning in terms of disability. The commentators are sensitive to implications that can be inferred from the texts but are not necessarily meant.

Invitation to join in – Publication for fun and critical discussion in church and society

Wenn Köpfe rollen - Vom Erfahrungspotential der "Anderen" lernen - Satiren zum Alltag in Kirche und Gesellschaft (When Heads Roll - Learning from the Experiential Potential of "Others" - Satires on Everyday Life in Church and Society

Book Review: Eurich, Johannes & Lob–Hüdepohl, Andreas 2014. Behinderung – Profile inklusiver Theologie, Diakonie und Kirche.

It is not entirely clear according to which criteria this compilation took place or which target group was aimed at. Nevertheless, the contributions are indicative of areas of research in disability studies, especially with regard to diakonia as the inner mission of the church. In addition to a wide range of projects, the theological-hermeneutical reappraisal of inclusion as a guiding principle has been helpfully presented.

Book Review: Danys, Miroslav 2016. Diakonie im Herzen Europas: Ursprünge, Entwicklungen und aktuelle Herausforderungen in West & Ost, neu betrachtet aus Anlass des Reformationsjubiläums

Danys gives an excellent review and overview of the development of diaconia in Central Europe. Especially with regard to the missiological side of congregational building, disability studies and the church-congregational dealing with the "others" (otherness) in times of upheaval, his explanations offer helpful insights.

Disability Studies and Bible translation

Over more than nineteen centuries, literal translation transporting the NT authors’ perspective on disability led to the exclusion, isolation or, since the 18 c., relegation to special homes, of people with impairment, out of the Church’s mandate of social welfare (Ger. Diakonat). Nowadays, politics force the Church, as a public player, to make possible the inclusion of persons with disabilities on all levels of society as leaders, pastors, and staff, and of course members and interested parties. In this way, hopefully, sympathy out of pity is replaced in the Church by empathy out of equality, thus performing an Inclusivist role in building diversity in the communion of saints.

Disability Studies and Intercultural Theology

How were people with disabilities involved in the spread of the Christian message? Did they have an importance in church planting, Bible translation or building local networks? What are the constructs around "disability" in the far, at home and what discourses did this steer? Were the players aware of their culturally coined prejudices and assumptions that moved their interactions?

Bible translation as an auxiliary discipline

Bible translation is an auxiliary discipline.

Book Review: Krauß, Anne 2014. Barrierefreie Theologie: Das Werk Ulrich Bachs vorgestellt und weitergedacht

Krauß concludes with a theology of the imperfect, leaving the door open for further approaches to confront the phenomena of segregation, discrimination, and othering of people with physical and mental disabilities. The critical research on the work of Ulrich Bach is a source of struggle, especially in the regional churches, for participation, integration and inclusion of people with disabilities. At the same time, the stimulated and ongoing discourse is a challenge to the actors to approach each other and to represent together the diversity of the body of Christ.

Book Review: Morton, Jeff 2012. Insider Movements: Biblically Incredible or Incredibly Brilliant?

Dieses Werk ist in Anlehnung an die derzeitigen Spannung zwischen den Weltreligionen ein Fingerzeig darauf hin, dass es an jedem einzelnen liegt sich theologisch auf andere Religionen in der Weise einzulassen und sie nicht grundsätzlich als fundamental-radikal zu betrachten. Solch eine Ausprägung ist in jeder Religion vorhanden und sollte zur Nächstenliebe oder Friedensabsicht führen, wenn man den Offenbarungen folgt. Da die menschliche Realität aufgrund ökonomischer oder politischer Spannungen (Armut, Verfolgung, Vertreibung) oft anders aussieht, bleibt zuletzt die bange Frage, ob sich solche Appelle umsetzen lassen oder die Menschen zum Umdenken bewegen.

International Conference 2021: Disability Studies and Intercultural Theology: Foundations – Case Studies – Ethical Implications

People with physical or mental impairments are "disabled" by cultural, social as well as contextual factors. They experience that their existence is not simply given without question. "Did you have to do that?" is a question that parents of children with trisomy 21 often hear.

Book Review: Grünstäudl, Wolfgang & Schiefer–Ferrari, Markus 2012. Gestörte Lektüre – Disability als hermeneutische Leitkategorie biblischer Exegese Haupt-Reiter

The target group of this collection are Bible teachers who are looking for Inclusion-oriented basics and aids for their work. In addition to a wide range of projects, the theological-hermeneutical treatment of inclusion as a guiding principle has been presented helpfully.

Network Disability Studies and Intercultural Theology (NeDSITh)

The VISION of NeDSITh can be described in the networking, the scientific exchange and the critical-constructive debate on the subjects between the actors with and without physical or mental limitations.

Book Review: Melcher, Sarah J., Parsons, Mikeal C. & Yong, Amos 2017. The Bible and Disability: A Commentary

This commentary offers a variety of references to ancient views about disabled people. It is critical in many places in its evaluation of linguistic connotations that express metaphorical meaning in terms of disability. The commentators are sensitive to implications that can be inferred from the texts but are not necessarily meant.

Invitation to join in – Publication for fun and critical discussion in church and society

Wenn Köpfe rollen - Vom Erfahrungspotential der "Anderen" lernen - Satiren zum Alltag in Kirche und Gesellschaft (When Heads Roll - Learning from the Experiential Potential of "Others" - Satires on Everyday Life in Church and Society

Book Review: Eurich, Johannes & Lob–Hüdepohl, Andreas 2014. Behinderung – Profile inklusiver Theologie, Diakonie und Kirche.

It is not entirely clear according to which criteria this compilation took place or which target group was aimed at. Nevertheless, the contributions are indicative of areas of research in disability studies, especially with regard to diakonia as the inner mission of the church. In addition to a wide range of projects, the theological-hermeneutical reappraisal of inclusion as a guiding principle has been helpfully presented.

Book Review: Danys, Miroslav 2016. Diakonie im Herzen Europas: Ursprünge, Entwicklungen und aktuelle Herausforderungen in West & Ost, neu betrachtet aus Anlass des Reformationsjubiläums

Danys gives an excellent review and overview of the development of diaconia in Central Europe. Especially with regard to the missiological side of congregational building, disability studies and the church-congregational dealing with the "others" (otherness) in times of upheaval, his explanations offer helpful insights.